曾经对Blender的新曲线头发系统感到迷失吗?使用这个插件吧!尽情享受打造完美发型的乐趣,无需复杂操作。Hair Bricks 就像艺术家的魔杖,简化了过程,同时仍然利用Blender几何节点的力量。创造、享受并让您的发型设计闪闪发光!
Ever felt lost with Blender’s new curve hair system? We’ve got you! Dive into the fun of crafting the perfect hairstyle without the complexity. Hair Bricks is like the magic wand for artists, simplifying the process while still tapping into the power of Blender’s geometry nodes. Create, enjoy, and let your hair designs shine!
测试安装环境(其他版本自行测试) Blender 4.2, 4.1