Steinberg PadShop是一款音频软件,旨在提供先进的合成和采样功能,用于创建独特的音色和音乐效果。PadShop由Steinberg公司开发,可以作为Halion音乐制作软件的插件使用。PadShop具有丰富的功能和可能性,可以通过其预设和可用样本来进行实验。你可以使用PadShop的各种预设,尝试不同的音色,并探索可用的采样。该软件提供了一系列教程,帮助用户熟悉PadShop的功能和可能性。
- 超过 570 个出色的预设
- 导入、重新设计和合成您自己的样品
- 利用 570 个预先制作的样本发挥创意
- 插件适用于 VST、AU 和 AAX
我们通过第二个出色的发声引擎将 Padshop 的功能加倍;频谱振荡器。以任意速度、任意位置、任意方向、任意音高播放任意样本。得益于全新的算法,您可以比以往更自由地表达您的创造力。
新的琶音器让在 Padshop 中创建音乐模式变得非常有趣。只需绘制各个步骤,将它们与连奏连接或调整每个步骤的音高即可创建旋律。您甚至可以将模式导出到 DAW 以供进一步使用。
精品样本素材和 100 个新预设
您可以使用硬件合成器的样本、独特的音景甚至准备好的三角钢琴。所有这些声音都在等待您将它们转化为您自己的想法。这些非传统且迷人的声音也是 100 个全新的、专门设计的预设的来源。
File size: 130.1 MB
Padshop Pro is an enhanced version of Steinberg’s state-of-the-art VST granular synthesizer and comes with several new effects and opportunities to fit the requirements of professional sound designers and skilled creatives. The Pro version offers the import and manipulation of custom samples in a way that will alter your perception of sound forever.
Exclusive Padshop Pro features
Sample import via drag-and-drop for advanced sound design projects and custom presets
3-band parametric EQ per layer for clarity and smoothness in the mix
Algorithmic reverb to enrich your sound with fullness and athmosphere
50 new presets with athmospheric pads and evolving sounds
Sample import
With Padshop Pro, sound designers and creatives can use their own samples and recordings to fuel Padshop’s granular synthesis engine. Record new sounds in Cubase and drag-and-drop the file directly to Padshop Pro to create your individual sound presets. Own samples can also be imported from the MediaBay or via the convenient import browser into Padshop Pro. WAV and AIF formats with a length of up to ten minutes are supported.
The FXpert
With two additional effects, Padshop Pro covers all you need to create your own spectacular granular synthesis presets.
The Pro version comes with a 3-band parametric EQ for each layer. With a frequency range from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz and a variable Q for the mids, the equalizer lets you increase the clarity and smoothness of your custom presets and gives you the chance to edit the sounds precisely from the first step.
Zero Gravity Expansion Pack
With 250 new presets and a fully loaded new SoftGrain Wave ROM, Zero Gravity is the first expansion pack for Steinberg’s Padshop VST granular synthesizer.